55 West Lynde St.

Gardner, MA

Conant and Ball Furniture Company

Est. 1851

The Conant and Ball Furniture Company was founded in the late 19th century in Gardner Massachusetts. The furniture company, one of many in Gardner at that time, was known specifically for making Colonial Revival furniture. Originally the company focused on Colonial furniture reproduction and cane seat chairs, but later moved on to making bedroom and dining room chairs as well. These furniture pieces fit in nicely with the other creations from Gardner at the time, hence Gardner’s nickname of the Chair City.

Before Carlos E. Ball joined the company in 1868, the firm’s name was Conant Brothers and Co. Upon his arrival, Carlos took charge of the company’s Boston branch before being relocated here in Gardner. In 1875, the name was officially changed to the Conant and Ball Furniture Co. 1888 saw the company move from West Broadway street to its more familiar West Lynde Street location. The early 1900’s consisted of many positional changes and adaptations within the company due to the deaths of Conant and Ball in 1891 and 1909, respectively.

For years the company was one the leading manufacturers of Early American solid rock maple furniture. This changed however when the company switched its views to clean-lined Sierra oak furniture around 1971. In the 90’s two fires occurred in the factory buildings leading to the closing of the company. Today, the lot where those buildings stood now hosts the Levi Heywood Memorial Library, which was completed in 2004.

Research Contributed by Luke P. of Troop 6, Gardner